Custom Supervision


With the information available in our Flows SDK and the help of your Hyperscience representative, you can include Custom Supervision in your flows. Custom Supervision allows you to tailor a Supervision task’s interface to a specific business process. 

You can add multiple custom flows, and each of them can contain a different Custom Supervision logic and interface. Custom Supervision tasks can have their own custom task names. You can access Custom Supervision tasks through the Perform Tasks page, the Task Queue page, the Submissions table, and the Cases table.


To enable Custom Supervision, you need to add a Custom Supervision Block to a custom flow with a Custom Code Block. To learn more, see the “Custom Supervision Block” section in Flow Blocks.

Custom Supervision task interface

The Custom Supervision task’s interface includes a page that contains three vertical panels - left, middle, and right panel.


Left panel

The left panel allows you to group page thumbnails by documents and/or cases. 

Middle panel

The middle panel is not configurable and shows a full page view of the document pages that are sent to Custom Supervision.

If a Custom Supervision task contains a table, selecting a table column from the right panel reveals a table editor at the bottom of the middle panel. You can use this table editor to review and edit table cells’ transcription values. If table cells have custom decisions, selecting a table cell will display its decision drop-down menu below the table editor.

Right panel

The right panel allows you to configure up to three tabs that can supplement any of the supported tasks. Learn more about the supported tasks in the “Supported tasks” section below.

Supported tasks

The Custom Supervision functionality supports the following tasks:

  • Transcribe fields and table cells.
  • Validate transcription across multiple documents.
  • View external text.
  • Apply custom decisions.
  • Manually assign, re-assign, and remove case IDs from documents.
  • Edit transcription of text crops from full-page transcription.

You can find examples of these tasks in the sections below.

Transcribe fields and table cells

Transcribe fields

All fields and their transcription values are displayed in the right panel. Selecting a field in the right panel highlights the field’s bounding box in the middle panel. You can review and edit fields’ transcription values in the right panel. 

Note that Custom Supervision does not support fields with multiple occurrences or multiple bounding boxes.

Transcribe table cells

Table columns are displayed in the right panel. Selecting a table column from the right panel reveals a table editor at the bottom of the middle panel and highlights the transcription value of the selected column’s first cell. This table editor contains all cells’ transcription values. You can navigate between the cell’s transcription values using shortcut keys as explained in the Keyboard shortcuts section below. You can review and edit cells’ transcription values the same way as you would in a Transcription Supervision task.

Note that if your Custom Supervision Block’s Custom Supervision transcription masking setting is enabled, to save a change to a cell’s transcription value, you need to press Enter or click anywhere outside of the cell’s bounding box. If you only edit a cell’s transcription value and immediately after that click the Complete Task button at the bottom of the right panel, your edit won’t be saved.

You are not able to edit table cells’ transcription values in the following cases:



A document from another submission is included in the Custom Supervision task.

This document’s table is disabled in the right panel, and you cannot edit its table cells’ transcription values. Tables from external documents are in read-only mode.

A document does not have table data that is expected for the Custom Supervision task.

A “Table not found” message appears in the right panel for this table.

Mark fields for transcription review

You can mark fields for transcription review. When fields are marked for transcription review, you can’t complete a Custom Supervision task before verifying the fields’ transcriptions first. If multiple pages have fields that are marked for transcription review, these pages’ thumbnails have red Requires review icons on the left panel of the Custom Supervision task’s interface. Clicking a page’s thumbnail on the left panel opens the page in the middle panel, while in the left panel, you will see all of the page’s fields, including the ones that are marked for transcription review. The fields that are marked for transcription review have a red warning icon. To review a field transcription, you need to click the field transcription’s value and edit it if necessary. 

If you click the Complete task button at the bottom of the right panel without reviewing all fields that are marked for transcription review, a dialog box will appear on the page. This dialog box shows a list of all fields that aren’t reviewed and asks you to confirm if you want to complete the task without reviewing these fields.

Validate transcriptions across multiple documents

You can configure a Custom Code Block to perform data validation across two or more documents. For example, a Custom Code Block verifies that the fields’ transcriptions on document A match the fields’ transcriptions on document B. If verification fails, a Routing Block can send the unmatched fields and documents to Custom Supervision. In Custom Supervision, a keyer can manually review all of the affected documents in a single task and correct these fields’ transcriptions.

View external text

In Custom Supervision, you can show static text instructions, dynamically generated text (e.g., an error message from a Custom Code Block), or responses from API calls to external systems. Thus, you can provide keyers with additional context that will be visible within the Custom Supervision task. Keyers can use this additional context on the Custom Supervision task’s page as they work on a task.

Apply custom decisions

To apply custom decisions to fields, table cells, pages, documents, or cases, you can configure custom drop-down menus on the Custom Supervision task. For example, a Custom Code Block can use business logic to approve documents. If the block fails to approve a document, a Routing Block can send this document to Custom Supervision where a keyer can manually review the unapproved document and apply a custom decision to it.

Custom decisions for fields, pages, documents, and cases are displayed in the right panel, while custom decisions for table cells are displayed at the bottom of the middle panel inside the table editor. To reveal the decision drop-down menu for a given cell in the middle panel, you need to select the cell’s transcription value in the table editor. To help you find cells with custom decisions, the cells’ transcription values are underlined in the table editor.

Pre-select default options in decision drop-down menus

You can replace the “None Selected” default option in decision drop-down menus with preselected options. Thus, you can recommend decision options that your keyers can then edit and confirm. Single-selected decisions can have a single preselected option, and multi-selected decisions can have multiple preselected options. You can also use a Custom Code Block that pre-selects these default options based on custom code logic. 

Decision dependencies

Decision dependencies provide you with flexible routing and post-processing capabilities. Custom Supervision tasks support both decision dependencies within a single document and decision dependencies across multiple documents.

Note that you can configure decision dependencies only for documents and cases.

Configuring decision dependencies within a single document allows you to present different options in decision drop-down menus based on user input. For example, you can configure Custom Decision 1 with two possible answers. Based on the selected answer for Custom Decision 1, you will receive different possible answers for Custom Decision 2. For more information about this example, see the following table:

Custom Decision 1 Question

Answer for Custom Decision 1 

Custom Decision 2 Question

Possible Answers for Custom Decision 2 

Has JavaScript experience?


Select job offer

  • Frontend Engineer
  • Senior Frontend Engineer

Has JavaScript experience?


Select job offer

  • Backend Engineer
  • Senior Backend Engineer


Decision dependencies across multiple documents also allow you to present different options in decision drop-down menus based on user input. The difference here is that your answers in one of the documents affect the possible answers in other documents. For example, you can configure Custom Decision 1 in Document 1 with two possible answers. Based on the selected answer for Custom Decision 1, you will receive different possible answers for Custom Decision 2 in Document 2. For more information about this example, see the following table:

Custom Decision 1 Question in Document 1

Answer for Custom Decision 1 in Document 1

Custom Decision 2 Question in Document 2

Possible Answers for Custom Decision 2  in Document 2

Has JavaScript experience?


Select job offer

  • Frontend Engineer
  • Senior Frontend Engineer

Has JavaScript experience?


Select job offer

  • Backend Engineer
  • Senior Backend Engineer

You can have only one level of nesting between parent and child decisions within a Custom Supervision task.

Mandatory decisions

In Custom Supervision tasks, you can apply mandatory decisions to individual pages, documents, and cases. Before you can complete a Custom Supervision task, you need to select answers for all mandatory decisions.


Manually assign, re-assign, and remove case IDs from documents

You can configure a Custom Code Block to follow business logic and automatically assign documents to cases. Then, in Custom Supervision, you can:

  • assign case IDs to unassigned documents.
  • edit the case assignment of documents that have already been assigned to cases.
  • remove case IDs from assigned documents.

Edit transcription of text crops from full-page transcription

You can enable Transcription Supervision for text crops that are extracted from pages without defined layout variations and fields. The submitted pages go through Full Page Transcription, which extracts the text as crops. A Custom Code Block and a Routing Block determine whether a page should be sent to Custom Supervision based on predefined criteria. For example, such criteria can be one of the following: 

  • the machine has low confidence in transcribing text crops, or
  • the machine identified text crops that match predefined keywords.

Then, you complete Transcription tasks for all crops that are sent to Custom Supervision, which allows you to extract the crops’ text with complete accuracy. 

Accessing Custom Supervision tasks

There are four ways to access Custom Supervision tasks:

  • Through the Perform Tasks page
  • Through the Task Queue page
  • Through the Submissions table
  • Through the Cases table

Through the Perform Tasks page

To access Custom Supervision tasks through the Perform Tasks page:

  1. Go to Tasks > Perform Tasks.

  2. In the Supervision Tasks card, click the Custom Supervision’s Perform Tasks link.

Through the Task Queue page

To access Custom Supervision tasks through the Task Queue page:

  1. Go to Tasks > Queue.

  2. Find the document or submission in Custom Supervision that you would like to complete tasks for.

  3. Click the Perform Tasks button.

To view only submissions and documents that are in Custom Supervision, you can additionally filter by Task type or Custom task type:

  • Task type filter - selecting Custom Supervision from the drop-down menu filters all tasks in Custom Supervision.
  • Custom task type - selecting a specific Custom Supervision task type from the drop-down menu filters all Custom Supervision tasks of the selected type. To learn more about creating different Custom Supervision task types, see the “Custom Supervision Block” section in Flow Blocks.

Through the Submissions table

To access Custom Supervision tasks through the Submissions table:

  1. Go to Submissions > Submissions.

  2. Find the submission in Custom Supervision that you would like to complete tasks for.

  3. Click the Perform Tasks button in the Actions column to begin the tasks.

To view only submissions in Custom Supervision, you can additionally filter by Status.

Through the Cases table

To access Custom Supervision tasks through the Cases table:

  1. Go to Submissions > Cases.

  2. Find the case in Custom Supervision that you would like to complete tasks for.

  3. Click the Perform Tasks button in the Actions column to begin the tasks.


  • Though you can view documents and fields from external submissions, or submissions that the block is not currently processing, you can’t edit these documents and fields within a Custom Supervision task.

Keyboard shortcuts

Custom Supervision


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

Go to right panel



Next page



Previous page

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab



Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

Clear field input



Mark field illegible



Override validation



Next field in list



Previous field in list

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab



Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

Enter & exit cell



Next cell



Previous cell

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab

New line

Shift + Return

Shift + Enter

Navigate cells

or ⬇ or or ⬅ 

or ⬇ or or ⬅ 

Signatures and checkboxes


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut




Not filled



Currency symbols


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut


F9, then:

F9, then:

Option + 3

Alt + 3


Option + 4

Alt + 4


Option + 5

Alt + 5


Option + Y

Alt + Y

MICR symbols


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

Option + A

Alt + A

Option + B

Alt + B

Option + C

Alt + C

Option + D

Alt + D

All tasks


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

Zoom in

Option + +

Alt + +

Zoom out

Option + -

Alt + -

Keyboard shortcuts



Close task

Option + Command + X

Alt + Control + X

Complete task

Command + Return

Control + Enter


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