Editing a Release


The Release Editor screen allows users to make changes to the contents of a draft release.

To access the Release Editor:

  1. Navigate to Library > Releases.
  2. Click on the name of the release draft that you would like to edit.
  3. On the release details page, click the Edit button on the top-right of the screen.

This view shows a table of all layouts in the system with at least one locked version. Each row shows the following:

  • Layout name
  • Layout type (Structured, Semi-structured, or Additional)
  • Version name
  • Date and time the layout was last committed, if ever 
  • Field customizations, if any

Sorting is supported on the Layout and Type columns.

Navigating the Release Editor

Language families and releases

Each release can contain layouts from only one language family. 

For more information about language families, see Supported Languages.

To access the Release Editor:

Click the Edit option to the right of the release name shown in the blue header bar.

Clicking the Info icon directly to the right of the release name will show a pop-up with additional details about the release. 

To show all locked versions of a layout: 

Click on the drop-down arrow ( > ) to the left of each layout name.

      • Each version-level row shows the version name.

To add a layout version to the release: 

Click the checkbox next to the layout name.

By default, the most recent locked version will be selected.

      • To select a different version, use the drop-down next to the layout name to see all the layout versions, and click the checkbox next to the desired layout version.
      • To hide the version-level rows, click the arrow icon again.

To assist in viewing and selecting layout versions, at the bottom of the layouts table, you can find the Select All Latest Locked Versions option. The Select All Latest Locked Versions option selects all layouts that are included in the release, specifically the latest locked version.


There are filters in the Release Editor that allow you to more efficiently edit and lock releases. See the following list the available filters:

      • Status – Allows you to filter by Draft, Live, and Locked statuses.
      • Only Duplicates – Allows you to view duplicate layouts in a release. You can apply the Only Duplicates filter after attempting to lock a release that contains duplicate layouts.

        The system considers the following as duplicative: 

        • A layout that is identical to another layout. 
        • A layout that is a proper subset of another layout. For example, if all pages in Layout A are identical to some of the pages in Layout B, and Layout A has no additional pages, then Layout A is a proper subset of Layout B. 
        • Tags – Allows you to filter the Release Editor’s rows by layout tags. To learn more, see Layout Tags.

        There is also a search bar available to support searching by layout name or version name.

        Exiting the Release Editor

        When you want to leave the Release Editor, here are the available options:

        • “X” button - navigates away from the editor without saving the changes.
        • Create - saves the changes, updates the release’s status to Locked, and prevents further changes.

        Next steps

        To learn how to assign a release to a flow, see Assigning a Release to a Flow.

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