Creating Field Customizations

While your layout's variations share the same field list, you may want some fields to be treated differently across releases. For example:

  • You may want to change the “Name” field’s Supervision setting to “Always” in one of your releases, but not in others with the same layout.
  • It may be helpful for you to change the data type of a "Price" field for a particular release to ensure that your downstream systems can process it correctly.

Field customizations allow you to make exactly these kinds of changes for particular releases.

Create a field customization

  1. Go to Library > Layouts, find the layout you want to create a customization for, and click on its name.

  2. Click on Fields and Customizations, and then click the plus sign ( + ) next to Customizations.

  3. In the text box under Customizations, enter a name for your customization.

  4. For each field whose default settings you would like to override, select the checkbox to the left of its name, and change any of the following settings to override their default values:
  • Data Type – The type of data expected for the field
  • Output Name – The programmatic name for the field, which will be included in the JSON output for submitted pages matched to the variation.
  • Supervision – Specifies how transcription will be handled for the field. For more information about the types of Supervision settings, see Creating Structured Layouts.
  • Required – If a transcription of a "Required" field is missing or illegible, the system will create a field exception stating that the value of a required field was missing.
  • Routing – If this option is selected, the field's value will be sent to a specific user group for Supervision and QA. To learn more about "routing" fields, see Automatic Routing for Supervision and QA Tasks.

Variation-specific settings

The following settings cannot be included in field customizations, as they can only be edited for individual variations:

  1. Click Save.

In order to apply the field customization to a release, you need to commit your changes by clicking Commit Changes in the “Currently Editing” card at the top of the page. To learn more about committing changes, see Editing and Finalizing a Layout Version. 

To learn how to  apply your customization to new releases, see Adding a New Release.

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