System & Health Page

Hyperscience v30 and later

This article describes a feature available in v30 and later.

The System & Health page (Administration > System & Health) offers visibility into the current state of your infrastructure's components, including your application and trainer machines, database, file store, and integrations. Because Hyperscience manages the infrastructure of SaaS instances, much of this data does not appear on the System & Health pages for SaaS customers.

The "Health Statistics" data is updated every 10-15 minutes. All other data on the System & Health page is updated every thirty seconds. To manually refresh the data, click the Refresh button in the upper-right corner of the page.


We designed the System & Health page to help you identify issues in your instances. If you are unable to resolve the reported issues, or if you have questions about their effects on your instance as a whole, contact our Support team.

License card

In v39 and later, a license key is required for each instance of Hyperscience. System Admins can view the status and expiry date and time of their instance's license key on the System & Health page. They can also add or update a license key by clicking Add License Key

To learn more about license keys, see License Keys.

System Overview card 

If you are using a SaaS instance of Hyperscience, the System Overview card will not appear on the System & Health page.

The System Overview card shows the state of the following components:

  • Database
  • File store
  • Any inputs configured through Input Blocks
  • Any outputs configured through Output Blocks

The possible states of these components are:

HealthyIcon.png Healthy — The component is able to report its status, and it is operating without issues.

UnhealthyIcon.png Unhealthy — The component is either unable to report its status or it has reported issues.

NotDefinedIcon.png Not Defined — The component has not been configured.

Application Machines and Trainer Machines cards

If you are using a SaaS instance of Hyperscience, the Application Machines and Trainer Machines cards will not appear on the System & Health page.

The Application Machines and Trainer Machines cards show the number of application and trainer machines (also called virtual machines, or VMs) included in your instance and how many of them are in a healthy state. 

The Click for more info. links take you to a page that lists all of the machines in your instance, with more specific details about the health of each one.


Health Statistics cards

The “Health Statistics” section has the following cards:

  • Submissions, which shows how many submissions have been completed, were processed, or were halted in the past hour and past 24 hours.
    • Clicking View Submissions takes you to the Submissions page, filtered to show today's submissions.
  • Flows, which indicates the number of flows that have finished, along with how many of them finished successfully or with errors.
    • Clicking View Flows takes you to the Jobs page, filtered to show today's flows.
  • Jobs, which displays the number of jobs that finished in the past hour and past 24 hours, along with how many of them finished successfully or with errors.
    • Clicking View Jobs takes you to the Jobs page, filtered to show today's legacy jobs.
  • Trainer Tasks, which lets you know how many tasks finished, were cancelled, or failed in the past hour and past 24 hours.
    • Clicking View Trainer Tasks takes you to the Trainer page, which shows information about the trainer's connection, its task queue, and a history of its failed, finished, and cancelled tasks.


In v33 and later, to improve system performance, the "Health Statistics" section is disabled by default. You can enable gathering statistics for the above-mentioned cards by navigating to Administration > Settings (v33-v35) or Administration > System Settings (v36 and later) and enabling the Gather health statistics setting. To learn more, see the “Performance” section in the “Application Settings Overview” article for your version of Hyperscience ( v33 | v34 | v35 | v36 | v37 | v38 | v39 | v40 ).

Note that, in v32 and earlier, the "Health Statistics" section is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.

Input Connections and Output Connections cards

The System & Health page has a card for each input and output connection you've configured through Input Blocks or Output Blocks. To learn more about how to configure these connections in Flow Studio, see the "Flow Blocks" article for your version of Hyperscience ( v31 | v32 | v33 | v34 | v35 | v36 | v37 | v38 | v39 | v40 ).

Each card has the following data:

  • Linked Flow — the flow the connection is configured in
  • Status — the health status of the connection
  • Number of Errors — the number of connection errors in the past hour and past 24 hours. Clicking on an error count takes you to the connection's logs filtered to show data from the past hour or 24 hours, respectively.

Clicking on See Connection Logs in the top-right corner of the card also takes you to the connection’s logs. These logs provide information about block processes, including their beginnings, failures, unexpected interruptions, and failures to restart.



External Database Blocks cards

In v33 and later, the External Database Blocks section contains a card for each Database Block in your instance. To learn more about Database Blocks and how to configure them, see the "Flow Blocks" article for your version of Hyperscience ( v31 | v32 | v33 | v34 | v35 | v36 | v37 | v38 | v39 | v40 ).

The title of each card shows the name of the database, as defined in the Database Block. Each card contains the following data:

  • Linked Workflow — the flow the Database Block appears in
  • Status — the health status of the database connection 
  • Number of Errorsthe number of connection errors in the past hour and past 24 hours. Clicking on an error count takes you to the connection's logs filtered to show data from the past hour or 24 hours, respectively.

Clicking on See Connection Logs in the top-right corner of the card also takes you to the logs for the database connection. These logs provide information about the Database Block’s processes, including their beginnings, failures, unexpected interruptions, and failures to restart.


Version and configuration information

The bottom card on the System & Health page shows the version of Hyperscience that your instance is running, along with its release date.

Clicking View Configuration shows the variables configured in your instance's ".env" file. You cannot edit these variables from the application.

If you are using a SaaS instance of Hyperscience, the View Configuration link does not appear on the System & Health page.

To learn more about the ways you can customize your instance, see the articles in Configuring Hyperscience.

Downloading health data

If you are using a SaaS instance of Hyperscience, you will not be able to download health data.

If you need to share the information that appears on the System & Health page, you can download the data by clicking on the Download Health Data button in the upper-right corner of the page. The downloaded JSON file will also contain additional details about the information shown on the System & Health page. Specifically, the JSON contains the same data retrieved by our Health Check Status API endpoint. Health Check Status responses provide summarized health states of all the machines in the instance as well as machine-specific information, such as database, file store, connection, and trainer statuses. If you have System Admin permissions, the JSON contains more details, specifically about stacktraces and stdin/stdout data related to connection tests.

If you have System Admin permissions, you can also download health data from the past 48 hours by clicking the Download Health Data (Past 48) button in the upper-right corner of the page. The downloaded JSON file contains a history of the data shown on the System & Health page in 10-minute intervals. It provides the same machine-level data as the Download Health Data JSON, but it does not include instance-level summaries.

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